Thursday, December 8, 2011

Smart Research

S.C : Be able to research effectively in a short time, we going to be able to smart search.

I can use some skills when research.
"And" help me to search for items that include two or more search terms or keywords.
"Or" let me search two or more search terms at once.
"Not" let me exclude articles from my search results that I know won't be useful.
Quotation marks prevent databases automatically put an 'AND' in between each of the words in my search string.

Monday, July 11, 2011

My role

I took a test and it shows that I am planter but the points divided evenly except completer and finisher.
I agree about that I can work alone well and I am not good completer and finisher.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Team Work

1. What are you good at when you working in a team?
= Research, IT skills, listen to all points of view.

2. What areas do you think could be an issue? How could you make sure you develop these areas? =Meeting deadlines.Always remember the due date.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Human trafficking

What is Human trafficking? = Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. It involves an act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them.

Where does it happen? = Currently, the regions of the world with the most severe trafficking problems are Southeast Asia (the Mekong region including Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Myanmar/Burma), South Asia (the Indian subcontinent, including India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka), the former Soviet Republics (Russian Federation, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.)

How many children are kidnapped in a year? = 797,500 children were reported missing in one year period of time studied resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day.

Who does the kidnapping? = Usually by gangsters.

Why do kidnappers take children? = want to exploiting them.

Where they taken? =

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What is modern day slavery?

Slavery is the forcing of one person to another, which take away him/her of freedom and personal rights.
Human Trafficking is the trade-buying and selling of peoples as slaves.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What make us human?

Discuss What makes us human. In the dictionary definition human is a person. What makes us a person? What makes us a human?

I think all of people have feeling, in my opinion it makes human most importantly.
Humans can communicate each other If people can not communicate each other. I am sure people hard to feeling something because usually people feel something from with other person's communication.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Independent Research Project.

Independent Research project.

Is it ever right to take someone’s life?

Is it right to take someone’s life? There are many opinions about it. Some people for about it and some people against about it.

The most dangerous and cruel punishment is death penalty. Some people in favor about it. They reckon the death penalty may help make it less crime. Moreover, they think all people should be fair. If someone kills someone, the person who killed also have to die. That is their mind. There are some people that nothing will help to make them better. Some crimes are just so heinous that the death penalty is the only appropriate punishment available. Many christians support the death penalty because of the Bible. The Bible requires the death penalty for a wide variety of crimes, including practicing evil sorcery, adultery, homosexual behavior, doing work on saturday and murder. It even calls for some criminals to be tortured to death by being burned alive. Most Christians, with the exception of those in the Reconstructionist movement, feel that many of these grounds for the death penalty no longer apply to Christian societies. However, Bible passages are still used to promote the retention of capital punishment for murderers. A few conservative Christians support the policy of six predominately Muslim states and advocate that sexually active homosexuals also be executed.

However some people strongly disagree about it because they think human right is important. Also they do not think the death penalty does not work to make it less crime. In fact, the murder rate in the US is 6times that of Britain and 5 times that of Australia, Neither country has the death penalty. Texas has twice the murder rate of Wisconsin, a state that doesn’t have the death penalty. Texas and Oklahoma have historically executed the most number of death penalty inmates, yet in 2003 their state murder rates increased, and both have murder rates higher than the national average.
Actually, human’s life is the most important thing in the world, we can not buy it with money and can not make it with biotechnology. That is why people think death penalty is such a waste a living thing. For a cost, the death penalty is much more expensive than life without parole.

I do not think the death penalty is not a good rule either if it is disappeared, some people are worrying about other convict. Some psychopath people like to kill people. For person someone like them, the government makes them live in jail forever so they can not do second convict. Some people think it is may very cruel but at least it is better than death penalty.

There was an other reason to take person’s life for a long time a go. That is for experiment. When Korea was japan’s colony, some japanese people took many people’s life for experiment. They used people same as experiment rat. Although, they used people like animal, they could not get successful result therefore it was just waste people’s life. It was really cruel and for korean people do not want to remember it again. They know killing people is wrong. That is why some korean people still hate japanese people.